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Microsoft Partner Network Software Download Login Updated FREE

Microsoft Partner Network Software Download Login

Simply put, the Microsoft Partner Network is massive. It consists of 400,000 partners in more than 100 markets beyond 11 languages. The website sees 6.6 one thousand thousand unique visitors a year, and those visitors rack up 56 million page views.

As y'all might imagine, existence able to personalize the partner network website to serve up the correct content to each of these visitors is a must. In a breakout session titled, "How Sitecore powers Microsoft's ambition to enable digital transformation for its partners" at Sitecore Symposium 2019, Nicol Chadek, Director of Digital Marketing Operations at Microsoft, explained how Sitecore XP and Sitecore Content Hub create personalized journeys for visitors.

The Microsoft Partner Network website offers a series of products and services that are aligned to both industries and roles. The goal of the website is to offer data to help visitors make up one's mind what programs are going to have the most benefit for your business, like become-to-market materials that are bachelor for download.

With thirty% of the overall audience being authenticated, information technology means they take an explicit profile. Through that membership, Microsoft knows what tier they're in and has a very good thought what that partner is trying to achieve.

But that nevertheless leaves lxx% as an unknown. This is where Sitecore really allows Microsoft to shut the knowledge and experience gap, providing the most relevant real-time moments in their digital journeying, serving up the right content at the correct time through personalization.

Nicol explained that her digital squad has i group of people that is responsible for day-to-24-hour interval operations, getting content on the web, and creating emails locally in equally many versions as possible, as fast as possible, without compromising on quality. No easy chore.

As a centralized marketing organization, most of the content comes through a Heart of Excellence, which includes Field Content too as Corporate content. Almost 80% of the content they deliver is corporate-driven, meaning it goes worldwide, while the remaining twenty% is bachelor at the local marketplace level.

In that location are three chief strategic elements to the MPN site:

  • Operational efficiency – information technology provides self-service and agile publishing options; it's centralized to allow for local or corporate requests; and it's integrated with a publishing and localization workflow
  • Marketing innovation – the content is targeted and personalized; the team tin conduct A/B and multivariate testing; and engagement plans and nurture streams via email can be congenital
  • Platform capabilities – partner with the Evolution team that operates a world-grade version of Sitecore on Azure that follows all brand standards, is compliant and responsive to all course factors

Every bit part of its best-of-breed applied science stack, Microsoft added Stylelabs (which is now Sitecore Content Hub) 7 years agone to manage its digital assets. Today, as function of the MPN offering surround, a marketer can come in and upload an asset, accept the asset, load images, customize the metadata, and if information technology's a strategic asset, Microsoft overlay a governance pass so they tin QA the tagging and make certain it's contributing to the experience.

For those marketers looking for a quick turnaround, Microsoft has engineered a query system betwixt Sitecore and Content Hub that typically runs about one time per hour, but it can exist pushed when requested, so it's a almost real-time service. For those looking for self-service functionality and want to become their assets on the web, Microsoft tin give the OK inside an hr from someone on Nicol'south team.

She then provided an example of how a profile tin be built from an unknown visitor to the MPN, which as she mentioned earlier represents lxx% of their traffic. Afterward coming to the homepage, they are served up the default content that has been strategically outlined past the Microsoft team. Integrated Software Vendors (ISVs) are a focus, so that attribute of the page is highlighted. So in this example, they click on a video about ISVs. In one case they take interacted with an asset, and in this instance has been tagged with ISV, they have contributed to a pattern match and a behavioral profile has been started.

As mentioned in Marking Frost's opening keynote, Sitecore AI was developed in partnership with Microsoft and they are also our first customer.

"Auto-personalization volition be on (the Microsoft Partner Network) and information technology will really be the way we can scale the operations and production of this, as well as have it contribute to a broader fix of dynamic profiles," Chadek said.

How to do this right

To be successful, as Chadek shared, yous have to fully follow through on the execution and implementation. Information technology takes a lot of hard work, discipline, and subject matter expertise. The nigh important affair you can take is your leadership squad aligned around your primal objectives and outcomes. For ISVs, that translates into having as many transacting apps as possible in the marketplace because it provides a quantifiable number that can be measured.

Everyone here at Sitecore is very excited nearly the integration of Sitecore AI into the Microsoft Partner Network and getting feedback on how machine-personalization is powering their content to meet the needs of their visitors while coming together, or exceeding, their business goals.

Zarnaz Arlia is the Vice President of Corporate Marketing at Sitecore. Discover her on LinkedIn

Microsoft Partner Network Software Download Login



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