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Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon Level Up Moves

Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon Level Up Moves

From Bulbapedia, the community-driven Pokémon encyclopedia.

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Specifically, it needs adding data on mechanics that take been changed in Gates, Super and DX.
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Reason: hunger and friend rescue

The Pokémon Mystery Dungeon serial mechanics differ from those used in the core series Pokémon games. The Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series games are dungeon-crawlers in nature; equally a result, some staple elements of the Pokémon series have been altered or excluded entirely.


In that location are a number of differences betwixt the mechanics of Pokémon in the cadre games and those of Mystery Dungeon:

Base stats

  • Try values (EVs) and individual values (IVs) are not elements of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. Instead, each Pokémon has a set of base stats, which increment by fixed amounts when they level up. Stats may farther increase through the apply of Gummis, wellness drinks, Sitrus Berries, and other items. Non-HP stats can be raised to a maximum of 255; HP tin exist raised to at nigh 999.
  • Prior to Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity, each Pokémon has a stock-still body size that is represented as a number from 0 to iv. When taking a team into a dungeon, the combined trunk size of the Pokémon in the squad may not exceed a certain amount (at virtually of whatsoever dungeon, 6). Note that sure dungeons may restrict this further, and may also restrict the sheer number of Pokémon allowed in the dungeon.
  • The Speed stat did non exist prior to Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon. The Speed stat varies in consequence from the cadre series as it affects accurateness, along with affecting moves like Electro Brawl.
  • Travel Speed is an attribute of all Pokémon Mystery Dungeon games, non to be confused with the Speed stat. Travel Speed determines the number of deportment that can be taken in a plow. Travel Speed tin be contradistinct past moves and Abilities that impact Speed in the cadre series, such as Agility, Scary Face, or Speed Boost. Paralysis cuts Travel Speed in half, and Ice-type Pokémon will accept increased Travel Speed in snowy weather.
  • Stat changes from natures exercise not exist in Pokémon Mystery Dungeon.


Prior to Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity, Pokémon with two Abilities will have both at the same time (instead of simply one). From Pokémon Gates to Infinity onward, all Pokémon have only one Ability. In Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, Pokémon with two possible Abilities tin can have their Power inverse at Hawlucha's Slam School if the actor has a Lucha Token. No Pokémon Mystery Dungeon series games have included Hidden Abilities.

In add-on, some Abilities differ from their counterparts in the core serial:


Evolution does not occur automatically; instead, it must be manually triggered. Evolution is explained in Story Way every bit an consequence of the world being in a land of danger. The ability of Pokémon to evolve must be unlocked through the class of Story Style (in Bluish Rescue Team and Ruby Rescue Team, Rayquaza must be defeated, while in Explorers of Time and Explorers of Darkness, the Wigglytuff's Society must be defeated). Similarly, in both Gates to Infinity and Super PMD players can evolve subsequently both completing the game and reuniting the master character and partner. In Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Blue/Red Rescue Team evolution does not instantly make a Pokémon stronger, different in the core series games; however, as of Explorers of Fourth dimension/Darkness/Sky, development does immediately increase stats.

  • Starting with Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity, Enemy Pokémon volition also be able to evolve, and volition do then if they defeat one of the player'due south party Pokémon. This is really a very one-time characteristic that has been nowadays in not-Pokémon entries in the Mystery Dungeon franchise for a very long fourth dimension (in one sense, it goes dorsum to the very first game in the Mystery Dungeon franchise, though it worked slightly differently there). The sound effect that is used for Enemy Pokémon evolving after defeating a party Pokémon is the exact same one used in other Mystery Dungeon games for the aforementioned long-standing equivalent mechanic.
  • Super Pokémon Mystery Dungeon was the first Generation VI game in the series and thus features Mega Evolution. It is achieved by attaching an Awakening Emera on to a Looplet.

Because of the different mechanics of Pokémon evolution, certain evolutions have been modified to crave detail items:

  • Pokémon that must be traded in order to evolve instead require the Link Cablevision.
  • Feebas requires the Beauty Scarf to evolve into Milotic.
  • Pokémon that require high friendship to evolve instead crave that their IQ be sufficiently high (which differs among Pokémon).
  • Magneton and Nosepass require the Coronet Rock to evolve into Magnezone and Probopass, respectively.
  • Pokémon that evolve in the daytime instead require the Sun Ribbon.
  • Pokémon that evolve at dark instead crave the Lunar Ribbon.
  • Eevee requires a Mossy Rock to evolve into Leafeon or an Icy Stone to evolve into Glaceon.
  • In Super Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, evolutionary items do not exist, and Pokémon that commonly crave these items to evolve will not demand them and exist able to evolve regardless.


Main article: Recruitment

Instead of catching Pokémon (equally in the core series games), Pokémon may be recruited to the histrion's team. Recruitment rates are different for each Pokémon and can be increased by factors such as the level of the team leader and any items being held. Some dungeons may forestall recruitment while some Pokémon must exist recruited by special means. In Super Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, Pokémon are no longer recruited, but must be continued with using the Connection Orb this was changed in the game's successor; Rescue Squad DX going dorsum to the previous method.


The Mystery Dungeon series introduced Level 1 Pokémon, an aspect which wasn't introduced until Generation IV of the core series. This may occur for wild Pokémon, guest Pokémon, or new Pokémon who ask to join subsequently a mission is washed. Evolved Pokémon may besides be encountered at lower levels than those at which they would take evolved.

Most Ghost-type Pokémon, too equally Darkrai, can walk through wall tiles. While on a wall tile, they cannot exist attacked by ordinary moves and attacks, just tin can attack their foes. Sure moves such equally Vacuum-Cut, Lava Plume, and Thunderbolt can affect pokemon that are on a wall tile. All the same, their belly empties at a rate of 5 per step. Water/Flying Pokémon can movement through Water tiles and Fire/Flying Pokémon can move through Lava tiles, Flying Pokémon will sustain a Burn nonetheless.

In the Mystery Dungeon series, the player's party size is limited to four Pokémon at a time, instead of the standard six. In Super Pokémon Mystery Dungeon, this is reduced to 3, only with a seemingly unlimited number of guest Pokémon at times.



All Pokémon have a standard attack which deals typeless damage. This regular attack does not expend PP when used. Pokémon may also have up to four special attacks in addition to their regular attack. Prior to Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Gates to Infinity, the standard attack was much more powerful and dealt damage according to the usual rules using Attack and Defence force Stats. However, in Gates to Infinity and after games, the move deals v HP harm regardless of stats.

Special attacks may be linked together, wherein the linked moves are done in succession (in which example one PP is taken from each move). Moves tin can exist linked at the Gulpin Link Shop in Blue and Crimson Rescue Team and at the Electivire Link Shop in Explorers of Time and Darkness. Moves could no longer be linked in subsequent Mystery Dungeon games. Instead, Gates to Infinity introduced Squad Attacks, large-calibration attacks used by every member of the team in a dungeon, while Super Mystery Dungeon introduced Alliances, a simultaneous assail by all political party members on a single target.

Many individual moves take differences from the cadre series games. For example:

  • Some attacks that practise specific HP harm (similar Sonic Smash) have a different set HP.
  • Prior to Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, Transform only changes the grade of the user, not their moves.
  • Self-Destruct and Explosion will not necessarily knock out the user of the move. Instead, whatsoever squad Pokémon within range (one tile for Self-Destruct, 2 for Explosion) will have their maximum HP cutting in half, and any opposing Pokémon within range volition receive twoscore damage for Self-Destruct and 80 for Explosion. Annotation that Fire-types will receive but half damage from these moves. Any items inside range are destroyed, and any wall tiles in range are converted to floor tiles.

There are two attacks specific to the Mystery Dungeon series: Broad Slash and Vacuum-Cut. No Pokémon larn either naturally, but all Pokémon that can utilize TMs can learn them through TM.

Moves that may exist used by squad members in dungeons tin be switched on or off. Certain tactics are also bachelor which will direct how teammates assail and traverse through dungeons. In Bluish and Cherry-red Rescue Team and Explorers of Time and Darkness, the tactics available depends on the squad leader's level.


Main article: Damage modification (Mystery Dungeon)
  • Type effectiveness has been greatly changed:
    • "Super effective" attacks will simply deal 1.four× damage instead of 2× damage every bit in the cadre games.
    • Attacks that are "not very effective" volition deal 0.7× damage instead of 0.v× every bit in the core games.
    • Attacks to which the attacked Pokémon is "immune" (called "ineffective attacks" here) deal 0.5× damage instead of no damage equally in the cadre games. However, as in the core games, Pokémon may be immune to certain condition weather based on its type (for example, Arbok remains allowed to Toxic). Note that the furnishings of Abilities remain unchanged (for example, Basis-type attacks still have no upshot confronting Pokémon who tin can Levitate).
  • The damage bonus that critical hits provide is only one.v× instead of 2× in the core games prior to Generation Half-dozen.
  • Each move has an inherent Disquisitional Hit rate, which may exist modified with items (such as the Scope Lens) or IQ abilities (like Type-Advantage Chief). The use of Focus Free energy ensures that special attacks used within a few turns become Disquisitional Hits.

Status weather condition

Main commodity: Status conditions in the Mystery Dungeon serial

Pokémon Mystery Dungeon introduced its own series of status conditions, of which any number may occur at once. These range from the conventional statuses (Paralysis, Toxicant, etc.) to "pseudo-statuses" (Confusion, Attraction, Flinching (here called Cringing), etc.). Statuses may be inflicted to business relationship for two-turn attacks (i.e. SolarBeam or Sky Set on), low-priority moves (i.e. Counter, Suffer, or Vital Throw), or moves whose effects last multiple turns (Mist, Safeguard, Charge, Perish Vocal, Taunt, Encore, etc.).

  • Elapsing of status conditions may too differ betwixt Mystery Dungeon and the core series; nearly notable is that Paralysis, Leg Concur (affected from Arena Trap or Magnet Pull), and most other statuses are temporary. Fire and Poisonous substance remain permanent, however all status conditions are removed upon entering the side by side floor of a dungeon. In addition, Pokémon may be afflicted with both Sleep and Paralysis, and (much like in the TCG) other condition ailments may replace previous ones. For instance, a Poisoned Pokémon may become Paralyzed instead.
  • Pokémon will never attack themselves while Confused. All the same, they may move or assault in a random direction (including hitting teammates). Annotation that Defoliation does not affect thrown items.
  • Mystery Dungeon introduces a new, exclusive condition called hunger. Hunger occurs when the Pokémon's Abdomen drops to zero. Before the actor's belly drops to zero, starting at 20 Belly, the game will brainstorm displaying the message "Getting hungry...". And so, at 10 Belly, the game will display "Getting airheaded from hunger...". In one case the player'south Belly reaches zero, the screen will brainstorm flashing yellow around the perimeter, with the game displaying "Oh, no! Your Abdomen's empty!" / "Bustle! Y'all've got to eat something!" / "Yous'll faint from hunger!" From this point frontward, the Pokémon cannot recover HP naturally, and each plow that passes while the Pokémon'southward Belly is empty, it will lose 1HP, eventually causing the Pokémon to faint. Eating a food particular such as an Apple tree will remedy this condition condition.


  • Defeating a Pokémon using at least one special move will net twice as much experience. Note that an opposing Pokémon using moves on itself counts towards receiving the feel bonus, but using special moves that miss the opponent (or that striking, but do no damage) does not.
  • Defeating a Pokémon using linked moves will cyberspace 50% more experience.
  • If an enemy were to faint past means other than the party attacking information technology (such as by the furnishings of a sandstorm), the members of the political party volition not gain feel points.
  • All Pokémon in the party gain experience whether or non they attack the opponent.
  • In Gates To Infinity and Rescue Team DX, all Pokémon on the player's team volition receive experience, regardless of whether or not they were in the party that entered the dungeon.
  • Pokémon require significantly more experience to level up than in the cadre serial games.


Held Berries take one plow to consume (which must be done manually in many cases), every bit opposed to existence consumed automatically in the same turn that they are needed.

The Oran and Sitrus Berries play slightly unlike roles. The Oran Berry heals 100 HP (rather than 10 HP in the core series), while the Sitrus Berry heals all HP (rather than only 30 HP or ¼ of the Pokémon'south total HP in the cadre serial).

  • Sitrus Berries can too increase the thespian's total HP past two points if consumed at full wellness.
  • In Super Pokémon Mystery Dungeon eating an Oran Drupe volition increase maximum HP by 10 for the current adventure only if the Pokémon consuming the item has a maximum HP of less than 100, or is on full health.

The chemical element of hunger and IQ led to the adoption of the concepts of Nutrient and Gummis, respectively. The only human being-fabricated items present that are besides nowadays in the core serial games are Max Elixirs and TMs. Other items include Wonder Orbs and Scarves, the latter were removed and somewhat replaced by Looplets in Super Pokémon Mystery Dungeon.

In addition, whatsoever Pokémon tin can hold whatsoever detail.

Throwing items

Main article: Throwing item

Much like in the Safari Zone of the core series games, where the player is able to toss Bait or throw a Rock (or Mud) at Pokémon, throwing items in Mystery Dungeon deals damage. The player is able to stock upwardly to 99 units of a throwing particular in a single item space in contrast to other items, where multiple items take upward multiple spaces in the item list.

  • This does not employ to Unown Stones.
  • Wands were an item introduced in Super Pokémon Mystery Dungeon. They bear similarly to Throwing items though tin only exist stacked upwards to twoscore and whilst some deal damage, they accept varying affects such equally Warping the target or causing various Status Weather condition.

Buried items

These items are in the wall tiles of the dungeons, which can't be normally seen or accessed, read the linked article for how to bargain with them. And delight note that items will also be lost if the walls are destroyed by explosions.

Looplets and Emeras

Main article: Looplet
Main article: Emera

In Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon, a new class of held items were introduced. Looplets are items to be held by a Pokémon which can boost certain stats, protect from status and atmospheric condition, or other effects. In add-on, each Looplet has a sure number of slots to equip Emeras onto. Emeras are items which tin be found scattered around dungeons. They can be used to temporarily boost a particular stat for the duration of the dungeon, or equipped onto a Looplet for various effects. Emera effects can include boosting attack power, adding a chance to inflict condition effects, or assuasive the user to see all enemy Pokémon or items on the floor. All effects and stat boosts from Emeras disappear upon leaving the dungeon.

Pokemon Super Mystery Dungeon Level Up Moves

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