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Will World War 3 End the World

Will World War 3 End the World

During Moscow's ongoing massive military operation against Ukraine, Russian Strange Minister Sergey Lavrov warned Wednesday of a third globe war's "nuclear and devastating" consequences. Read the commodity to determine if there will be a World War III and who will support whom.

World War 3

According to state-owned TASS, Russia's longtime top diplomat responded to the possibility of a tertiary world war by saying that it would be devastating.

Equally U.Due south. President Joe Biden said, a third Globe War would exist a improve alternative to Washington'southward tough sanctions confronting Moscow. Asked if he was surprised that sanctions were being imposed confronting athletes and journalists, Lavrov said that Russia was ready for whatever sanctions imposed confronting it.

He commented, referring to the ban and sanctions imposed past Western countries, that athletes, intellectuals, actors, and journalists would exist the targets of the sanctions. He claimed that "dictators" similar Vladimir Putin must "pay the price" for invading another state during his inaugural Country of the Union address on Tuesday night.

Russia has been banned from using US airspace after being invaded by the United States. According to a Qatar-based news channel, Lavrov said the special operation against Ukraine was designed to prevent Kyiv from buying nuclear arms.

Co-ordinate to the channel, Russia would not permit Ukraine to obtain nuclear weapons. It quoted him equally saying that the armed services functioning in Ukraine is aimed at disarming the state.

Despite Ukraine's obligations nether the Budapest Memorandum, which stipulated that the land mitt over nuclear weapons in substitution for security guarantees, President Vladimir Zelensky has not discounted the possibility of Kyiv revising those obligations.

World state of war iii: Who Will Back up Whom?

My noesis most this topic is somewhat limited, but I volition give it my best shot. World War 3 would not be fought by every country on Earth. Truthfully, most South American, African, and Oceanian countries and a good number of Asian countries wouldn't fight each other. Information technology was but considering colonial powers ruled then many countries that WW2 involved many countries.

World War III

I'm not exactly sure what the crusade of a World State of war 3 might be, but I'grand going to assume that each country'southward economical and military status is as it is now. If the conflict starts in Asia (around Taiwan, the Southward People's republic of china Bounding main, or Republic of korea) or in the Centre Eastward (effectually Israel, Iraq, or Iran), it would near likely be in Asia or the Middle East.

Watch how many people died in Globe State of war ii

This video shows the comparing of the number of casualties in the second world war with the help of 3D animation.

Team USA

  • The The statesA.
  • The European Matrimony. Due to their NATO obligations, they are obligated to side with the U.Southward. against a democratically elected country. At that place are iv primary sources of armed forces power:
  • France
  • The U.K.
  • Italian republic
  • Germany
  • Israel – This land, besides, volition surely side with the U.Southward. as most of their enemies will be on the other side of the conflict. They receive most of their weapons from the U.S., their strongest ally.
  • Canada- A democratic country located near the U.South. On par with Europe.
  • Taiwan – The state of war may outset due to their invasion, so they volition undoubtedly side with the countries that recognize them.
  • Japan – We have had Japan as an marry since WWII and Communist china equally our enemy. Japan would side with the U.S.
  • South korea – Located right adjacent to Communist china and adjacent to North korea. Merely like Taiwan, they'll support the U.S. when the fighting starts.
  • Saudi Arabia – It'southward a commonwealth, but they will fight Iran. Friends are enemies of enemies.

Team Russia/China

  • Russia
  • Cathay
  • Iran – The United states and Israel consider them enemies, and the Russians dorsum them. This site will no doubt marry with them.
  • North korea – This country is centrolineal with China and Russian federation, and they desire to take over the southern one-half of the country.

There might be a few I've missed, but I think these are the most prominent players. Here are my thoughts on what would happen in such a disharmonize.

The Cold War or World War 3?

Two things volition be assumed to make this scenario work.

  • The situation does not involve nuclear weapons.
  • Team Russia/China is the aggressor.

Iran is very probable to attempt to assail Israel likewise. If this were to happen, it would exist catastrophic. With an effectively coordinated strike between Israel, Saudi arabia, and U.S. military machine forces, the Iranian military would be crippled and forced to surrender.

Already, the U.S. war automobile is churning. U.Southward. Navy forces take steamed towards Japan from the Pacific, deploying in full strength. Big ground troops are crossing the Atlantic every bit role of American reinforcements in Europe. The tides are turning as now ground troops are arriving.

The U.Southward. navy dwarfs the Chinese so that Chinese forces volition be pushed back. Taiwan, the Philippines, and South Korea will be freed over time. The U.S. may send troops if China refuses to submit. Nevertheless, U.Due south. and European forces in Eastern Europe volition have driven the Russian Army dorsum to Moscow at that fourth dimension.

As of at present, 4 outcomes are possible.

  • Russian federation and People's republic of china will negotiate a truce that allows them to continue their trade, but with less power and influence than previously.
  • Team U.s.a. indeed invaded Russian federation and China, dismantling their governments and replacing them with "democratic" ones. Yet, I cannot guarantee that these governments will part well.
  • When backed into a corner, Russia and Cathay launch their nuclear weapons and cannot win.
  • All of this seems unlikely. I simplified the reply to avert farther complications. Information technology would non be as I predicted if World State of war iii happened. A small corporeality of fighting is also likely to bring peace if war breaks out since nobody wants to come across a war between the major powers. The Centre East will probable see fewer proxy wars.

Will World War 3 End the World

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